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Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment: how to make up the four shortcomings of urban domestic sewage treatment facilities?

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Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment: how to make up the four shortcomings of urban domestic sewage treatment facilities?

Date of issue: 2020-10-09 Author: Click:

Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment : How to make up for the four shortcomings of urban domestic sewage treatment facilities?

In recent years, in order to systematically promote water pollution control, China has issued a series of policies and measures, implemented a number of key projects, effectively improved the efficiency of urban domestic sewage collection and treatment, and made significant progress. However, the capacity of sewage treatment in various regions is unbalanced, the construction and operation of sewage pipe network are relatively weak, the efficiency of sewage collection is low, and the utilization and treatment of sludge as a resource are not standardized. It is necessary to make up the weak links of weak links, improve the ability to guarantee basic public services, and meet the growing demand of people for a beautiful ecological environment. Meng Wei, spokesman of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the focus is to adhere to the problem orientation and aim at important links.

The first is to supplement the weakness of sewage treatment capacity, strengthen capacity building, and solve the problem of unbalanced layout and capacity mismatch. Accelerate the construction of treatment facilities on the basis of unified consideration of urban layout and treatment needs. With Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Economic Belt and other key regional cities as the focus, higher requirements are put forward for full coverage of centralized treatment facilities. Promote the ecological supply of sewage resources, industrial water and urban water in water shortage areas and water environment sensitive areas as a beneficial supplement to water resources.

 Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment

The second is to supplement the shortcomings of the collection pipe network, improve the collection efficiency, and solve the problems of blank areas of the pipe network and the renewal of the old pipe network. Emphasize the integration of plant network and accelerate the collection of sewage capillary in combination with the transformation of old residential areas. Vigorously promote the diversion of pollution, the renovation and repair of pipe networks, and the mixed transformation, reduce the leakage of sewage during transportation, and improve the efficiency of centralized collection. Encourage the areas with large precipitation in the south to adopt various means such as the renovation of overflow outlets and intercepting wells to promote the renovation of rainwater and sewage combined pipe network, reduce the frequency of overflow pollution in extreme weather such as rain and flood, and alleviate urban waterlogging.

The third is to supplement the short board of resource treatment, promote the harmless resource treatment of sludge, solve the export problem of sludge in the actual treatment process, select the treatment technology route according to the land conditions, limit sludge landfill, gradually reduce the scale, and large and medium-sized cities with limited land use take the lead in promoting sludge incineration treatment.

The fourth is to supplement the weakness of the basic data platform, promote the construction of information systems, and solve the problems such as unclear pipeline base and operation status. The investigation of domestic sewage collection pipe network was carried out in various places, the geographic information system was established in an orderly manner according to law, and the intelligent management platform was explored.

Secondly, the National Development and Reform Commission will strengthen guidance and coordination with relevant departments, strengthen supervision and inspection, fully mobilize local enthusiasm, closely assume local main responsibilities, play the role of government and market means, and further improve the system of domestic sewage collection and treatment facilities to meet the needs of the people for a better life.

Website: //neo4j.org.cn/news/520.html

key word: Electroplating equipment , Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment , Zero discharge of electroplating wastewater

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