Whether the selection of electroplating power supply is correct or not is directly related to the coating quality, bath production capacity, energy consumption and investment benefits. DC motor has been basically eliminated due to its high energy consumption and low efficiency; The price of silicon rectifier power supply is low, but the efficiency is not ideal. In order to further improve the efficiency of rectifier equipment, reduce the volume and weight of the whole machine, high-frequency switching power supply equipment has recently been produced. Although the price of switching power supply equipment is high, the investment can be recovered quickly and the electroplating quality can be improved. Therefore, when processing large quantities of single products, it is better to select thyristor power supply; When processing a variety of products with changing load, switching power supply can achieve better energy-saving effect.
The system has outstanding human-computer interface and database functions. The human-computer interface is displayed in full Chinese, and the operation is simple. It can complete the operation, prompt, assistance and other functions. Electroplating equipment Set up real-time and historical databases in the computer. The historical database can complete the historical record and storage function of skill parameters, which is beneficial to the traceability of commodity quality and the processing analysis of production conditions. The real-time database can dynamically display the operation of the entire production line and monitor the skill parameters. Through the database function, the recording and generation of various calculation reports can be completed.

Due to the development of automation skills, the traditional handicraft production line has been gradually eliminated, and the automated production line has been gradually selected by more companies. The early automated production lines mainly relied on imports. With the continuous development of domestic automation skills, the automation level of electroplating equipment production lines was increasing, and at the same time, the operation was becoming more stable and reliable. According to the calculation materials, at that time, more than 90% of the domestic production lines of fully automated electroplating equipment were almost domestic, The domestic full-automatic production line also has a place.
The concept of electroplating current efficiency has a very important meaning in production practice. Improving current efficiency can save electric energy. The current efficiency of various electroplating processes is quite different. Under the condition of meeting the technical requirements of the product, the high-efficiency electroplating process should be selected to save production costs. If high-speed chrome plating process is adopted, the energy-saving effect is quite obvious, and the wind turbine power is saved, and the exhaust emission is reduced. Reducing the energy consumption in the production process is a problem that many electroplating enterprises should pay attention to. As long as electroplating enterprises implement scientific management, comprehensively consider the selection of electroplating equipment from: and process, and strictly control the process and operation, they can completely achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing electroplating costs. Therefore, We should better use electroplating equipment to achieve better energy-saving effect.