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Precautions for use of electroplating equipment

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Precautions for use of electroplating equipment

Date of issue: 2021-10-30 Author: Click:

Electroplating equipment Precautions during use


Electroplating equipment management plan is the foundation of electroplating enterprise production and manufacturing. The purpose of electroplating equipment management plan is to make more effective use of mechanical equipment, make full use of mechanical equipment, reduce mechanical failures, and ensure rapid repair. If many advanced equipment is not fully utilized, the important reason for high efficiency is the lack of regular maintenance of mechanical equipment. The stains are eroded and the blades of mechanical equipment become blunt. The culprit is the outdated electroplating equipment management system. Four closed types of lubricating grease (grease): closed filtering, closed transportation, closed adding and closed storage.

General requirements for mechanical equipment: complete prefabricated components, positive sound, sufficient power, flexible instrument panel in the vehicle, and complete raw materials. Cross course content of mechanical equipment use and maintenance: removal, lubrication, adjustment, tightening, corrosion resistance. The employees should have four understandings and three skills: understand the basic concepts, understand the structure, understand the functions, and understand the scope of application. Three skills: can use, can repair, can fault test. Four regulations for the use of machinery and equipment: fixed post and responsibility, fixed machine, fixed post and fixed track system. Four requirements for equipment maintenance management: environmental cleanliness, cleanliness, lubrication, and safety factor.

 Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment

Three advantages of equipment maintenance management: good management, good use and good repair of mechanical equipment. Two things are invisible in the process of equipment maintenance management; Three non vertical: two can't see the sky: adding natural materials can't see the sky; The removed precision machined parts are invisible. Three non vertical: material. spare parts. The tool is not vertical. Three inspection system for mechanical equipment inspection: self correction and self inspection, mutual inspection and post inspection. The three inspection system used for circulation machinery and equipment: tell the truth before transporting things, check the parking on the road which is essential, and check in multiple directions after returning to the site. Requirements: immediate, appropriate, complete, clean and tidy.

Safety production accident of mechanical equipment: the accuracy, function and load of mechanical equipment are reduced or stopped due to abnormal damage, and the surface is harmless but the internal injury is worrying. Three musts for preparing for safety accidents: not letting go of unclear safety accident analysis; The person responsible for the accident and the people will never receive education; Without preventive measures, we will never let go. Five determinations of edible oil for mechanical equipment: fixed post and responsibility, specific, punctual, customized and qualitative analysis. Three filters of lubricating oil: first filter before releasing the storage tank; The second filtering device must be installed at the inlet of the gasoline drum and the oil drum; The third filtering device shall be set at the oil drip port of mechanical equipment.

Website: //neo4j.org.cn/news/557.html

key word: Electroplating equipment , Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment , Zero discharge of electroplating wastewater

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