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What is the development prospect of electroplating equipment

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What is the development prospect of electroplating equipment

Date of issue: 2022-03-30 Author: Click:

Electroplating equipment What is the development prospect of


Automatic equipment can not only effectively improve production efficiency and reduce work intensity, but also can be designed according to the targeted structure that cannot be realized by traditional manual production, thus improving the quality of electroplating products. In the production process of the automatic electroplating equipment, when the drum rotates to the drum door opposite the anode, open the drum door so that the liquid in the drum can be updated in time; Since there is no shielding of the roller door, the power line remains relatively unblocked, and the corresponding constant voltage current increases accordingly, which can accelerate the coating deposition speed and effectively avoid the problem of workpiece printing.

For the barrel plating production line, the opening and closing roller door of electroplating in our country cannot fully keep up with the development of roller technology. Compared with modern manufacturing, the development of automation equipment can not only occupy a place in modern manufacturing, but also electroplating can keep pace with the progress of high-tech industries. Compared with other majors in modern manufacturing industry, electroplating technology in China cannot keep up with the rapid development.

 What is the development prospect of electroplating equipment

Compared with modern manufacturing, the development of automation equipment can not only occupy a place in modern manufacturing, but also keep pace with the progress of modern manufacturing. Compared with the international advanced level, there is still a big gap in basic raw materials, electroplating equipment, electroplating technology, electroplating production management, resource conservation and environmental protection. If the gap in process technology is only a matter of level, then the soaring of resources and prices will endanger the prosperity of the industry and the survival of enterprises.

Under the dual pressure of resources and environmental issues, the electroplating industry can only keep up with the pace of the times if it resolutely follows the path of sustainable development. Hydrogen and oxygen are collected in the electrolysis process, and hydrogen and oxygen are collected in the electrolytic sewage, which then enters the hydrogen fuel boiler for heating or power generation. The byproduct of combustion is pure water. Pure water can also be used for electroplating. This new comprehensive utilization mode of comprehensively treating wastewater is completely possible under the condition of sufficient power.

Website: //neo4j.org.cn/news/570.html

key word: Electroplating equipment , Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment , Zero discharge of electroplating wastewater

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