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Complete temperature control system in electroplating equipment

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Complete temperature control system in electroplating equipment

Date of issue: 2019-09-28 Author: Click:

Electroplating equipment During the operation, the temperature control is very strict, so the electroplating equipment will generally be equipped with a complete problem control system. Now let's see what devices are included in this system? How to ensure the temperature required for electroplating?

The control of process temperature is the top priority in the electroplating process. If the temperature fluctuates greatly, it will directly affect the quality of electroplating and cause energy waste. The existing electroplating equipment has taken this into consideration when designing, and the pre heating function is set on its human-machine interface, through which the pre heating time can be set.

 Electroplating equipment

At the same time, the heating system of electroplating equipment is also equipped with liquid level control device, automatic water supplement device, etc., which can realize the function of automatic liquid level supplement of the system when the liquid level is lower than the set liquid level. So as to protect the system and prevent the heating pipe from dry burning or safety accidents. In addition, the use of PID fuzzy control is also to avoid adverse effects caused by temperature.

Website: //neo4j.org.cn/news/468.html

key word: Electroplating equipment , Electroplating wastewater treatment equipment , Zero discharge of electroplating wastewater

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