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What are the main electroplating equipment?

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What are the main electroplating equipment?

Date of issue: 2021-03-31 Author: Click:

Electroplating equipment What are the main contents of?

Electroplating equipment mainly includes rectifier, tank and accessories, anode and cathode. For the management of main electroplating equipment, the equipment shall be selected correctly first, and the corresponding equipment shall be selected according to the requirements of electroplating type, electroplating solution loading and process regulations.

1. Rectifier management

Rectifiers used for electroplating have certain requirements for corrosion resistance, and non electroplating rectifier power supply cannot be used. Otherwise, the service life at the electroplating site will be greatly shortened. At the same time, the selected power shall be appropriate, and shall not be less than the working current intensity at full load, nor exceed the working current. Some enterprises make 1000A rectifiers for seed plating work requiring only 100~200A current, resulting in waste of resources. There are also some enterprises that require plating seeds with a current intensity of more than 300A to use pulse current power supply with only 100A output, which leads to the frequent burning of rectifiers, which is the result of improper selection.

 Electroplating equipment

The management of rectifiers is not just a matter for electricians. Electroplating enterprises should carry out fixed post management for each rectifier. In other words, the user is responsible for daily management, monitoring and maintenance of the rectifier. For example, the electrode short circuit in operation is strictly prohibited, corrosive liquids such as plating solution are sprinkled on the rectifier, and the surface is cleaned and maintained every day. In case of abnormality, the power supply is cut off immediately and the electrician is notified to handle it on site. Non electricians shall not dismantle and repair the rectifier power supply without authorization. Of course, it is recommended that electroplating workers obtain corresponding electrician qualifications and have the ability and qualification to deal with rectifier failures.

The rectifier equipment file shall be established, and the product manual, certificate of conformity and warranty sheet shall be all filed, with maintenance or parts replacement records, and complete documented management data.

2. Bath management

The plating tank shall be managed by the user as the rectifier. It is daily work to keep the electrode conductive well and the electroplating tank clean. Bath files shall also be established to record capacity, materials, production or purchase date, etc. In addition to routine maintenance, the plating tank shall also be subject to anti-aging and leakage management.

Especially for the electroplating groove that needs to be heated up, the operator shall not stay away from the heating up site during the heating up period to prevent cracking of the electroplating groove and electroplating leakage accidents caused by overheating. Large electroplating tanks need stiffeners around the waist and legs. Frequently observe whether there is leakage at the bottom corners to prevent leakage of plating solution.

3. Management of power line and electrode

Plating lines and electrodes are rarely included in the management of electroplating enterprises, which can be said to be the blind spot of management. It is not enough for the power lines of many enterprises to have too large cross-sectional area, so it can be found that both the first line and the second line are heated, even hot, which is a potential danger of wasting power and insecurity. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the conductor has the conductivity of current intensity required for work, and the basic requirement is that the power line does not generate heat.

At the same time, all power contacts and connectors must be kept in good guiding state. In some electroplating plants, the cross section of the conductor is enough, but some contacts are severely corroded and the conductivity is reduced, becoming resistors. At this time, accidents of heating and burning of the contact occur occasionally. The electrode is divided into anode and cathode, and the cathode mainly refers to the pendant of the tool. Hangers are usually used as auxiliary equipment. However, it is necessary to introduce special topics because of the importance of hangers for electroplating.

4. Management of electroplating auxiliary equipment

The management of electroplating auxiliary equipment is also very important for electroplating production management. The so-called supporting equipment is not an unimportant equipment. With the change of the concept of electroplating equipment, it is rare to pay attention to or even omit some supporting equipment in the past. Now many electroplating enterprises not only pay attention to the main equipment, but also have complete supporting equipment. Many electroplating enterprises have become a link in the industrial chain of the production base.

However, the practice of electroplating production management has proved that the failure rate of auxiliary electroplating equipment is far higher than that of main electroplating equipment. The rectifiers and electroplating tanks of many electroplating plants can be used for ten to eight years, while the heaters need to be replaced several times a year, and the filters need to be replaced for several years, often requiring maintenance. Few people pay attention to and analyze why.

Auxiliary equipment such as heaters are sometimes included in the management of low value consumables. Like an electric light bulb, it changes whenever it breaks. Is there a quality problem with the heater? Of course there are. Some heater products do have quality problems. It not only has a short service life, but also has problems such as electric leakage. This should be eliminated when purchasing.

Many problems are easy to occur in use. The common problems are local air burning caused by excessive temperature rise and insufficient liquid level, and overheating and damage of nodes. Improper use is also the result of improper management.

The damage of the filter is also caused to a large extent by improper use, of course, there are also problems of product quality and design life. However, even if imported high-tech equipment is improperly used and managed, its life will be greatly reduced. Therefore, to strengthen the management of auxiliary equipment, an evaluation system must be established like the main equipment. In case of damage within the specified service life, the causes shall be analyzed and corresponding accountability shall be carried out. In this way, the use efficiency and service life of auxiliary equipment can be improved, thus improving the overall level of electroplating production management.

Website: //neo4j.org.cn/news/528.html

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